Browse Inks by Application
Our BETA™ Silkscreen inks has been exported worldwide to countless industries for more than 40 years. It has attained a world-renowned reputation for being a trusted and reliable product in the field of professional silk screen printing. The inks featured are not exhaustive - see our full list of products below, or choose from one of the available categories.
Industrial and Specialty Applications

No. 9814 Security Ink
For concert tickets, coupons, etc.

No. 173 Scratch
For printing on lottery tickets, coated and uncoated

No. 877 POS
For printing on poster paper, cartons

No. 350 Vyna
Multipurpose Ink for Vinyl, Acrylic, ABS & CAB Polycarbonates, Paper. Comes in Matte and Gloss.

No. 9777 Polyurethane Ink
Highly flexible and stretchable ink for printing on wearables, sensors and medical devices

No. 914 Nylex [NYLON]
For printing on most nylon materials

No. 613 SM
For printing on aluminum, S/Steel & other metals

No. 343 ASE
For printing on polystyrene, vinyl

No. 9986 Traffic Sign Transparent
Weather and sunlight resistant inks for reflective stickers used on road signs

No. 582 Metal
For printing on various metallic surfaces

No. 889 PC
For printing on polycarbonate surfaces, ABS, CAB

No. 810 PEP
For printing on synthetic paper, PP, PE glass

No. 466 VG
High Gloss Vinyl ink for stickers

No. 930 NTP
For printing on corrugated flute, polycarbonates, nylon

No. 9999 PAD Ink
Pad Print Ink for ABS, CAB, Polycarbonates

No. 163 PET
For printing on polyester, Vinyl, CAB, ABS
Commercial Artists/Graphic Designers

No.309 Artist Colour
Brilliant and vibrant water based poster colours fit for outdoor use

No. 9714 Artist-in-Oil
​Linseed Oil Solvent Based Ink

​No. 253 Artist Gloss
Water Based Gloss Poster Color

No. 263 Artist Matte
Water Based Matte Poster Color

No. 9715 Vyna Aqua
A water based ink for Vinyl Posters

No. 120 FD 120
Semi Clear High Solidity Ink for Pigmented Printing on Dark Fabric

No. 9915 Emboss
Puff Ink for Embossing

No. 100 FD 100
For printing on high solidity clear print base

No. 9751 HST White
Stretchable White Ink

No. 9712 Texilac
High Opacity Elastic Ink for Dark Fabric Materials

No. 484 NT Ink
For printing on various Nylon fabrics

No. 200 FD 200
High Solid White Ink
Full Standard Color Listing